Mrs Kowobari from Google, in a recent talk-shop at the ongoing NYSC Orientation for 2019 Batch C-Stream 1 Corps-Members said it was their objective to help people (the Youths in general) take advantage of endless opportunities online. Emphasis was laid on technology and how it is rapidly spreading across the world daily. She futher adviced the youths to key into skills such as, Communication-Skills (written or verbal), Team-Work Skills and Problem Solving skills, amongst others.
She also highlighted opportunities in the digital world which ralates to, customer acquisition, retention person and user experience, saying such individuals are sometimes called UIUX personnel etc.
Desisting from Digital skills myths such as, the need for one to be a graduate or to have a computer science related degree were imperative, and such notions and beliefs were wrong and should not place an embargo on ones quest in the digital skill world because what organizations want from individuals are,
Entrepreneurial attitude
Willingness to learn and unlearn things.
The 10 Platoons debated on the topic THE ADVANTAGE OF THE DIGITAL WORLD. Platoon 4 which was represented by JULIUS OMINIZUA, a member of the OBS with state code number(LA/19C/0674) won.
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