In as much as the NYSC is run in a regimented style, today being Sunday  is less stressful amd more relaxing.

The usual Bugle sound that directs Corps Members to the parade ground as early as 4:30am was not blown, signalling 'no' morning drills, however the OBS announced where Christians were to fellowship, while others that are involved in different sporting activities, also located their respective teams for training. 
The Band team, is also seen doing their reharsals. Platoon 5, is on duty and some of the Corps Members on duty took a snapshot with some members of the Military on guard.
Lovers of table tennis are also spoted, having their fun.
Some football fans are seen watching a premiere league game (Manchester United vs Brighton&Hove.
Lunch as reported is, jollof rice with Chicken. 

Sunday Fun-Day. 


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